Monday, April 02, 2007

Tantrums, Snuggle, and a Heartbeat

Over the last few weeks, we've run into more than a few temper tantrums. Part of the development process, I guess. It's tough to stay calm during this time, but these moments of frustration are balanced by the warm feeling that comes from being the consoler, which could be my favorite paternal role.

Erez bumps his head, Calanit hurts her finger...they come running to me for a kiss and a hug. It's the greatest feeling to have the omnipotence of healing with body warmth.

Calanit wouldn't go to bed last night, she insisted that I "snuggle" her. My first inclination was..."this is the 8th time we've told you to go back to bed" and to be a hardliner.

Instead, I said ok. I lay there, with my ear on her back and I detected her little heart...beating away. I was taken back to the fetal monitor on the day she was born, thought about all that has happened since, and wondered how many more times I will get to lie next to my little girl and just listen, peacefully, to this sound.

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