Sunday, April 22, 2007

Some Kid ROI...

People tell me that as your kids get older, you start getting a Return on your investment (ROI) in the form of them providing services for you at no cost (direct, that is). I still think you come out way behind (in raw financial terms), but today, I did see an initial return.

It was early in the morning and we were out in the yard. The kids began by helping me pick up some of the sticks for yard collection.

Then, I had an idea..."what if I trimmed the bushes and let them gather up the trimmings and put them in the container?"

Sure enough, 1 hour later!, they had done ALL of the collection of the leaves and branches (I kept them far away from the saw, btw) and the yard looked MUCH better.

Good to see the potential for future ROI...

And now, Calanit, who is sitting next to me, will type something. Here she goes:


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