Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Movie Review: Pursuit of Happiness

Saw this on the plane to Seattle and didn't know that it was based on a true story until the very end. In fact, I hadn't even heard of it before it came on.

What a shame.

Will Smith's performance made me want to cry.

It touched on so many resonant themes.

A father's love for his child. The desire to provide. The drive to succeed and accomplish.

But on a level to which I really couldn't relate.

A down on his luck salesman whose wife leaves him, works 2 jobs (one unpaid) and is forced to sleep in shelters, bathrooms, subways, and buses with his 5 year old boy...in the "pursuit of happiness."

It's one of those movies where, even though you know how things will turn out, the road to getting there is what makes it special.

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