Tuesday, April 24, 2007

More on the Future of TV

After I wrote about Joost as a Disruptive Technology, I read a great post by Mark Cuban (owner of the Dallas Mavericks and one of my favorite bloggers called The Maturity of Web 2.0 and The HDTV is the PC.

My brother, Asher, insightful as ever pointed out "PC or TV...it doesn't matter....they are converging and it'll just be one platform." 

Inspired by that comment and my Joost experience, I spent a few more minutes that night using my Xbox 360 which serves as a "Media Center" connected to my Vista Ultimate PC.

It was then that I "discovered" some features which had escaped me before that.

  1. If I select "Sports" the Xbox shows me real-time updates of all the games on TV in 1 screen. I can see scores, stats (like who is up to bat), and game time remaining (bball). Then, with a click, I'm watching that game. So, at a glance, I can find the best game and go to it.
  2. Yahoo! Sports is integrated, so I can watch my fantasy football team's progress (if I had one)
  3. Internet Radio is built in through www.live365.com and with a click, I can listen to any radio station (through the TV) that broadcasts anywhere in the world.

The battle to watch, clearly, is "who owns the living room". That's the center of the digital universe. Will it be Microsoft, Sony, Joost, Nintendo, the cable companies (that's why Comcast offered me a free digital upgrade--which I couldn't get to work---I'm down on them for a few reasons), the phone companies (with fiber optic)...or someone else--a TV manufacturer perhaps?

It's like a massive climax scene from Lord of the Rings...a bunch of armies converging on the same battlefield...and only one will remain standing when the day is done.

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