Monday, April 30, 2007

The Jewish Retreat from Europe...

My sister lived in Israel last year and she told me that the vast majority of the people in her Ulpan (hebrew immersion class) were from France.

Intimidated by rising Islamic-based anti-Semitism, they had picked up and left from the continent's largest Jewish community.

In Europe -- Thy Name Is Cowardice, the author decries the seemingly inborn and innate willingness to appease.

On a macro level, it may seem like Europe of today is like Europe of 50 years ago, but on a micro level, that's just not the case.

I was speaking to a friend of mine from the Netherlands today. This is a country where if you, historically, ask people "what does it mean to be Dutch?" They will say, "it means tolerance."

But, now, the story is different.

This particular Dutchwoman is emigrating to Canada. Her son, who lives in London, is beginning to feel, as a Jew, unwelcome, and is moving to Vancouver. We had lunch the other day with the representative of the Jewish Agency who said that emigration from the UK-in raw numbers-to Israel is equal to that of France, where the Jewish population is 1.5 times the size.

The canary in the Coal Mine, from 2002...looks like some of the canaries are leaving

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