Sunday, April 08, 2007

Disruptive Technology...

Being a technologist is replete with problems and frustration. There are late nights spent trying to figure out something...which you think should be simple. There are unexplained system glitches. There are moments when you wonder if it's all worth it.

Then, every so often, you see something and you say, "wow, this is the future. This is why I do what I do."

That happened this morning.

I installed Joost (created by the founders of Skype).

I just sat back and said..."whoa!"

The promise of “Interactive TV” has been around for a while. It’s here.

On your PC, you get super high quality video, plus on screen IM, RSS feeds, chats w/people watching the same show. It’s a 10mb client and it’s phenomenal.

This is a disruptive game-changer. It's convergence of TV, PC, and Internet

The quality of the video is enough to say that this is something special, but when you start playing around thinking about the implications for the technology...
  1. how about chatting with fans of the same show or game as it is being played?
  2. how about having vendors of the products you see on the show at the ready to answer your product questions?
  3. how about downloading the music video to your iTunes library?
  4. what about reading the blog of the coach of a game on the screen while you're watching him coach?

What I've seen recently on my Xbox 360/Media Center is attacking this from a different angle, but here we've got more Internet technologies built in from the ground up.

The game isn't any means...but it has changed. Back in the Snickelways days we talked about the 3 "C's"--- Content, Commerce, and Community. Joost has the potential to be that platform.

The race is on...

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