Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Book Review: Leaving Microsoft to Change the World

My aunt sent Leaving Microsoft to Change the World presumably because of the Microsoft connection. And, motivated by an interest in the "middle age" of the company, I gave it a whirl. I was skeptical. I had read other "well, I made a boatload of cash at MS [b/c I'm so damned good and then I needed to do something to find meaning in my life].

The writing was good, but it wasn't a page turner, but I stuck with it. Primarily because I was reading it 2-3 pages at a time while the kids played in the bathtub with each other.

About 1/2 of the way through, it took a turn...for the good.

What John Wood and Room to Read have accomplished is nothing short of remarkable, humbling, and inspiring. I had never heard of the organization, but their mission-to address illiteracy and poor education in the 3rd world-is certainly a noble one.

John's point was..."I took the management lessons I learned at Microsoft and applied them to the non-profit world."

Obviously, MS taught him well.

The end of the book lists an impressive tally

  • 2300 libraries established in 6 countries
  • 200 schools built
  • 50 computer and language labs
  • 1,700 girls on long term scholarships (so that they can finish high school)
  • 1 million books donated

The climax of the book is when the org opens 123 schools on one day in Nepal.

Great prose it is not. But, if you want an inspirational read about someone who didn't think he was "the shit" because of Microsoft $, thought big about a serious problem and DID something about it, you'll enjoy this read.

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