Friday, April 13, 2007

BBC Report from Bergen Belsen

My mom forwarded this to me...
Scott Simon of NPR reports on a rare recording of the "Hatikva " from
61 years ago.

It was recorded by a British reporter in May 1945 in Bergen-Belsen when
the British army liberated the few thousand survivors in the concentration camp,
half of which were Jewish, most of them were at the extremes of their strength.

The British priest organized prayers for Kabbalat Shabbat for the Jews,
it was the first time after 6 years of war and after more than 10 years of

With a lot of effort the Jews organized themselves and knowing they
were recorded and sang " Hatikva". As you can hear they sang the original
version as it was written by Naftali Imber.

It is very moving.
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