Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Vista Install Part 2...

Here's the good news on the next step in the Vista install process.

The Xbox360 is a phenomenal add-on to Vista. It's a blazing fast machine, the graphics are INCREDIBLE, it's much more intuitive to watch our family videos, listen to all of our music, and watch recorded TV (in the living room, whereas my PC is in the basement).

While set-up was about 1000% easier than with XP Media Center and the original Xbox, I did have 2 hiccups that made me say, "damn, this has got to be easier."

  1. something happened that forced me to reset my router. Not a huge deal, but annoying
  2. when programming the universal remote, there was something counterintuitive about how to use TV alone vs. TV w/Xbox. 

I've got it working, but wish it was easier. Also, called the Support line and, frankly, it wasn't impressed.

That being said, it went A LOT smoother than I expected and the experience is very nice.

It's the best way I know of to have all or your media files in multiple places.

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