Sunday, March 18, 2007

Reflecting on 6 years...

While the kids were drawing with chalk on the driveway and running around the frontyard, I was reminiscing about where I was 6 years ago my wedding.

I knew I'd like to have a family, of course, but there was no way I could possibly picture what my children would actually look like.

And, like hitting skip on a DVD (which we did tonight as we re-lived the wedding by watching the video), here I am...husband-which I became 6 years ago today...and now father of 2.

I don't want to say that life has passed me by, rather that life passes by.

On the video, we saw that the 4 remaining grandparents who were at our wedding are now, as of a few weeks ago, no longer with us.

We see how friendships have changed.

We see how we have changed.

Another mile marker on life's road.

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