Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Private Talks...

My sister-in-law Aviva says it's not the "terrible twos," it's the "terrible threes."

Calanit is generally a very, very well behaved girl, but the last two weeks or so, it's clear that she's testing us. Giving us a much harder time about bedtime, getting ready for school, etc. A bit of defiance.

Tonight, as we tried for the umpteenth time to get her in bed, I offered to 'snug' with her...then I asked her about her day.

We chatted for a few minutes about her day...and I had a revelation.


That's what (I think) she is craving.

With a ton of our daily energy focused on Erez, she probably feels like she doesn't have QT with her parents.

When I was young, my mom would spend a few minutes with each of the 5 of us in a "private talk" about whatever.

The tradition is continued beginning tonight.

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