Sunday, March 25, 2007

On Blog Sharing and Thyroid Cancer..

I've been asked a lot about why I feel like it's important or worthwhile to post some of my personal experiences on the blog.

My basic answer is that: I feel like many of us are going through similar experiences. I just want to pull out the common parts of mine, share them, and get your feedback.

Now, obviously, not every experience falls into that category...

Not to be self-validating, but to be self-validating, I share the following anecdote.

An acquaintance approached me and told me that she had been diagnosed with
thyroid cancer. She thanked me for all of my posts on the blog (which she had
read) and felt like she was better prepared for the upcoming process.

I guess I feel like in the challenge that is life, if I can help you think about something in a different way (and vice versa) because of the blog (or in the case of the cancer patient, be better prepared), then the blog has served its purpose.
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