Friday, March 30, 2007

Netflix in a 2.0 world....

So the CEO of NetFlix just joined the board of Microsoft. I'm a big fan of the service (see why here)

Sent him this email the other day:

First off, welcome to the MS board! I’m a big fan/user of Netflix and had a few ideas (read your WSJ article today)….

  1. Why not a friend get friend referral program?
    I just hyped your service on my blog (
    see here). It’d be neat if there were an Amazon affiliates model where I can get a piece of the action for referring you business.
  2. A blog widget…it’d be great to show on my blog a list of
  • Recent Rentals
  • Recent Reviews I’ve Posted (it may encourage me to post more)
  • What’s in My Queue….

You know, take the conversation outside of NetFlix and let people make suggestions (Fred Wilson would agree, I think)….I post a lot of movie reviews on my blog (cross-posting would be nice too), all from NetFlix…but it’d be neat if they could make recommendations…via my blog…for items to add to my NetFlix queue…

It’s kind of like your collaborative filtering system plus what my friends are thinking about.

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