Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Movie Review: Invincible

One of the things I love about Netflix is that I will get a movie recommendation from someone at some point, put it on my queue and then, 4 months later, actually watch it.

Of course, by then, I've forgotten who recommended it to me, so, if you are the one who told me about Invincible...thanks.

It's a familiar story...guy, down on his luck, shoots for the stars...and achieves beyond all possible dreams.

30 year old bartender, Vince Papale, goes to an open tryout for the Philadelphia Eagles in 1976. Improbably, he makes the team, despite never having played college football, becomes a hero to his hometown, and plays for 3 seasons...and the best part...it's a true story.

While Rudy may be the greatest emotional sports movie of all time, this was a solid flick and I enjoyed Mark Wahlberg's acting. The scenery and looks were very 70s. I love football, of course, but in general, a solid 3 star movie. 

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