Sunday, March 04, 2007

Making a Meal Memorable...

How's that for alliteration?

Growing up, in addition to asking people for their week's "high" and "low" points, my dad would often read a section of a book or otherwise pose a question for his guests to answer, discuss, and debate.

A throwback to the Salon era? Perhaps.

But, in continuing on the "high" and "low" points as part of our weekly Sabbath meal, I've learned something valuable.

Giving people some substance to really dig their teeth into at the meal (pun intended) raises the event from shared meal to shared experience.

And in an Internet-era twist, those guests who come having read this Blog in the past few weeks are already armed with opinions on topics I've proposed.

It's a conversation stimulant as many of us share the background (the blog post) and we launch into a more meaningful conversation.

Yesterday's marathon (in a good way) lunch session with the Lowenstein's and the "we're not going on the Blog, are we?" family was a great case in point. A tip of the hat to them for inspiring this post.

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