Friday, March 30, 2007

Haiti and the Labor of Love...

Spoke to a friend from the old Snickelways days. Pascal Antoine was, I think, the first Haitian I ever met. And he was proud of it. He set up a portal back in 1999 for Haitian-Americans.

Since then, he's worked at it relentlessly, in an effort to build it up.

And, in proof that you can take a long time to become an overnight success, his site has grown to 6,000 visitors a day!

It's All-Haiti, all the time, and he's hoping that in 18 months, he'll be able to do it full-time.

He's also hoping-I think it's ok to post this-that as a result of the merger of his company, he'll get a fat severance package that allows him to do it sooner. In addition to being the first Haitian, he's the first person to whom I ever said "I hope you get fired.

Love to see what focus and commitment can yield.

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