Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Every Day Is A Bonus Day...Appreciating the Moment

Too often, I hear of stories where people feel regret about not having "spent more time" or said "I love you," yada, yada, yada.

My sister, Dina, spoke beautifully tonight at the Shiva and mentioned how fortunate we were to know our grandparents into adulthood and how every moment was special with them.

About 11 years ago, Dina came to visit me when I lived in Germany.

For some reason, we ended up talking about the idea of Nana and Poppy dying. It was 3am and we were bawling.

But that night changed us both.

We never took a meal or a conversation with them for granted. We were prepared-at any moment-for a call, the call...that would tell us that one of our grandparents had died.

I read a great book a few years ago called The Art of Happiness by the Dalai Lama. He suggests thinking about the events you don't want or are afraid of. Imagine how you will react at that moment. Then, if/when it comes, you won't be panicked. You'll be at east.

Frankfurt, 1996 did that for me (and perhaps my sister).

Is it sad that they are dead? Of course. 

Do I have any regrets or any feelings that I didn't appreciate them while they were here? Absolutely not.

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