Sunday, February 25, 2007

Unintentional Feed Congestion...

An apology to those of you using RSS to read the blog.


I've been using the Flickr stream all wrong. It should be a place to upload interesting pics of universal appeal (like the Tibet one here). Instead, I've been using it as a photo-sharing service.

It clogs up your RSS feed w/irrelevant pics. My bad.

No more. From now on, if it's of universal appeal w/a comment, I'll Flickr it. If it's pics of people you don't know, it won't go there.

Now, if you aren't on the RSS bandwagon yet and want to be, there are a few options.

I use the combination of Internet Explorer 7 and Office 2007 because I can read the feeds in either e-mail or the browser and they are in synch. (Not because I have to!)

Here's my feed.
How to subscribe to an RSS feed in Internet Explorer 7
  1. The site you're visiting must offer RSS feeds. Internet Explorer 7 will notify you of a site that offers RSS by illuminating (in red or orange) the RSS feed button on your toolbar.
  2. Click the red/orange "Feeds" button to see a list of articles that are offered via RSS and subscribe to them by clicking "Subscribe to this feed" in the upper part of the screen.
  3. You can see all the updated content on this site by looking in the Feeds section of your Favorites Center each time you open Internet Explorer 7.
If you'd like to read about a few others and/or try them out, here's one overview article.
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