Thursday, February 01, 2007

Subway Nirvana

I’m not a golfer, but one of the highlights of golf that is shown most frequently is when a long drive lands within inches of the pin. It’s probably one of the great feelings in the sport.

I get that type of feeling when the subway door at which I am standing is the absolute closest to the exit I need.

On a regular commute-for many-this becomes second nature. But it is on the atypical journeys (as the one I took this morning to my office from my car dealer [oil change]). I nailed it perfectly!

Maybe it’s a Type-A thing…

When I lived in Manhattan, my two roommates and I entered the subway at 96th and Broadway at precisely the moment our train was leaving-of course.

Two of us immediately began to walk the length of the platform.

The third, Ron, said, “Hey what are you guys doing?”

We looked at him in total disbelief. “What do you mean, ‘what are we doing?’ We’re walking to the point where, when we get off the train, we’ll be at our exit!”


We just shook our heads and Ilan said (half-jokingly) “I’m not sure you’re cut out for this city.”

Two months later, in fact, he had moved out to the burbs. J
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