Thursday, February 22, 2007


Well, it looks like I overreacted (a bit) with the whole NetBank missing check issue.

Let's say the check I deposited was for $180.

Turns out I wrote $18 on the deposit slip, so the first go around was a deposit for that amount. Then, the next person down the line saw the error and credited my account the remaining $162.

So, I was looking for 1 deposit for $180.

Instead there were 2 deposit line items ($18 and $162). Never occurred to me that they would be one and the same.

Anyway, Jeff, the customer service (we still need to talk re: the security measures :-), has been an absolute hero. He's totally taken ownership of this situation and made me feel more love than I would ever feel at any other bank.

So, bottom line, the cash is in the account (my only knock would be...why not go back and change the number to the 1 line item?), NetBank is an AWESOME bank, and the power of the Blog to get your issue noticed is unrivaled.

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