Friday, February 02, 2007

Movie Review: 8 Mile

More proof that recommendation technology works....

My sister was taken aback that I had chosen to watch a movie with Eminem, whom she characterized as "misogynistic," and "anti-Semitic."

All I can say is that I thought the culminating "battle" scene was one of the best I have EVER watched in a movie. This film had great acting, tremendous insight into a part of American culture about which I had very little knowledge, and a gritty, dark mood that was extremely appropriate.

The basic idea surrounds the concept of a "rap battle" where two singers verbally hurl invectives at each other in a "fight" designed to embarrass and humiliate the others. The judge, however, is the audience and the measure is verbal dexterity, wit, and sophistication.

The basic idea of a hero overcoming his obstacles was no different than any other boxing, military, gladiator or good guy/bad guy movie. What made this so unique was how the battles were fought...namely rap.

I just found it engaging and mesmerizing. Do not watch this with kids, though...or anyone with a weak stomach. The language is most decidedly vulgar and raw.

There was "bonus material" on the DVD which I could see as "misogynistic" and I figured out, finally, why his name is "Eminem."
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