Friday, February 16, 2007

"Stay Married..."

Had one of my semi-annual visits to the periodontist, where I get the "royal treatment."

Two reasons for this.

  1. Deb, my rock star hygienist
  2. getting "hooked up" with a nitrous treatment (actually, I need it because I'm a nervous patient.)

What's great about Deb is her insightfulness stemming from her experience as divorcee and mom of two.

Her advice today: STAY MARRIED. (not that I was indicating anything else would happen. It just came up in conversation...well, monologue since I'm at the periodontist, after all).

"It's easy to get caught up in thinking that something is old and needs to be replaced by something that is new. But, remember, whatever is new will one day become old. In marriage, you have a built-in defense against closed-mindedness. You have someone who will change your perspective and encourage you to try new things....and if you give it the 'old college try,' you never know, you just might like it."

Deb-thanks for making me appreciate my mate even more. (more on marriage here)

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