Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Lowe's Misses the Boat...

I spent 20 minutes on the Lowe's website tonight (and another 30 the other night) looking for the electric cooktop we wanted (our old one blew out).

I found it and went to order it online and pay for someone to come and install it.

Can't do it online.

Then, I called the 800 number to place the order.

They had to transfer me to the store a store about 20 miles away (closest one) who told me I had to come into the store to sign the contract.

"Can you fax it?"


"Can you mail it and I'll mail it back?"

"No, sorry."

"You're going to lose the sale because I'm not coming out to the store."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

He was polite and all, but I was shocked. Digital signature? Credit Card deposit? Something like that?

This after the fact that last night I put in a request on the "Contact Us" link asking re: online purchases of Installation Services. No automated response, no follow-up w/in 24 hours.

I'm better off not buying anything there anyway.

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