Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Developing With Each Other...

Playing in the crib together..._1

I once read a profound-yet simple-observation that--of all the people you know in your life--it is your siblings who will know you the longest.

I thought about my 77 year old uncle Bob-Nana's brother-in this respect during the funeral.

One of the great joys of parenting that I get is seeing how Calanit and Erez are learning from each other and with each other.  Playing in the basement with the tricycle_4

Here, Calanit wanted to get in the crib w/Paco to read with him. Later, Erez helped Tonka out by pushing her around the bike.

Incredible to think that long after Tamar and I are gone, these two will, hopefully, have a great relationship...the beginnings of which I witnessed.



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