Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Book Review: Adventures of Kavalier and Clay

A chronicle of the early and nascent days of the American comic book industry, The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay is blessed with some of the most exquisite prose I've come across in a long time.

You really get a sense for the characters-a Jewish Czech refugee who escapes Prague inside the box with the famous Golem, his cousin in Brooklyn who struggles with admitting his own identity, and the daughter of a Surrealist socialite who...well, I don't want to ruin it.

The book takes you through Europe to New York to Antarctica and then back. WWII and the post-war era are the backdrop. I wasn't clear where the fiction started and the non-fiction ended. It was clear that the author was passionate about the subject.

A long (630 pages), but VERY solid book.

It's cousins Russ and Shira sent this book to me during my thyroid cancer treatment, but I didn't pick up until I saw a teenager reading it a few weeks ago at our friends' house. He recommended it, so it got pushed up on my priority list.

I'm glad he did...and thanks to Russ and Shira for sending it over!

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