Sunday, February 18, 2007

Blog-based communities...

So, Tom reads the post on The Blog as Brain Repository... and makes a few great observations in his comments and raises a key can the Blog facilitate the introduction of people within the Blog community to help each other?

This came after Kira offered her assistance for the problem that he posed...also in the comments section (despite the fact that Jacob won't comment)

In a way, the people who choose to read this blog are part of the "Jer979 Blog Community" and by participating in conversations, posing questions, offering assistance and advice, we can all be better off. For the time being, you share interests with those who, for whatever reason :-), are willing to invest their time to read (thanks, btw).

That's why I joined something called "MyBlogLog". On the right side, you'll see a few icons for pictures of recent readers of this blog. You can join as a member of the community, fill out a profile, indicate your interests, and get introduced to blogs/sites by other readers of this blog. It's a very neat idea and a good way to find out more about those who share your interests.

Whether you join or not isn't the issue, what is neat is that, as this medium develops, we will all belong to 'communities of trust' where there may be one 'organizer' but a lot of members who will naturally want to and eventually will benefit from each other because of shared interests. Very, very powerful.
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