Monday, January 15, 2007

The Train to NYC...

The train is –by far-one of the most productive places in my working life.

I get a seat, two outlets, a light, ready access to a bathroom and a water fountain, cell phone access, and 3.5 hours of uninterrupted focus time.

I have a corporate mentor who works out of the NYC office. Going up for a “shadow day” to see how she does things (she runs a HUGE business).

Monday night is the NYC chapter of the Friends of Jer gathering in the Starbucks at 98th/Broadway. Coming back on Tuesday PM.

It’ll be fun to get back to the Upper West Side (UWS), where Tamar and I met and where my US-based professional career took off (call out to the Snickelways team!) Haven’t been back in 3 years.

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