Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Sponsor a Word Opportunity...FREE

We have a friend in NYC named Josh Botnick who has a very unique style of giving Divrei Torah (lit: words of Torah).

A few weeks prior to his assigned date, he reaches out to his friends and asks them to suggest a word or phrase (no matter how random) which he promises to incorporate into the speech.

The last time we heard him, Tamar suggested "Dance," and I requested, "Silent Frog." Both of them (along with about 15 others-he sent out the final list a day or two prior) made the final cut.

Not only was the speech interesting and informative on its own merit, but entertaining because of the anticipation of hearing "your word." What's more, for those on the 'inside,' (since not everyone knew of the process), it was doubly entertaining.

I'm going to give it a whirl.

Submit your word or phrase to me (please use the comments section) for planned Dvar Torah I am giving on February 3rd at the Hashkama minyan @KMS

(BTW...hashkama=first time I haven't found an entry for a term in Wikipedia)

Need not be in attendance to participate (and, of course, full text will be posted.

Deadline: Jan. 28th
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