Monday, January 01, 2007

Proud Parenting Moment

I was changing Erez's diaper without line of sight to the Lions-Cowboys game on the TV.

Before he woke from his nap, Calanit and I had been watching and I'd been explaining the rules. I told her I was rooting for the "Blue" team (Lions) and she, by nature, picked the "white" team (always against whatever I pick.)

Out of nowhere, Calanit yells, "Abba, the whiteteam scored a touchdown!"

I could hear the TV, but it didn't sound like a score. Besides, I was skeptical. This was coming from a girl who didn't understand a play-action fake nor a delayed blitz.

I said, "are you sure?"
"Yes, the white team scored a touchdown."

I finished up with Erez and went to the TV.

I was shocked. Sure enough, a touchdown had been scored (alas, by the blue team, but hey, got to give her credit.)

"How did you know it was a touchdown?" I asked incredulously. She just smiled.

I am glad my Sunday afternoon TV investments are paying off.
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