Monday, January 15, 2007

Battle of the Blog...

You've heard of Celebrity Deathmatch and the Iron Chef.

Welcome to the Battle of the Blog!!

In this corner, the Blog-reader Commenting Champion, Gadi. (see pic).

His track record is unassailable. He regularly quotes my life back to me and if you look in the Comments section of most posts (or in the Comment roll on the nav bar to the right), he is the most prolific commentator-by far.

And in the other corner, the Challenger who will go only by the initials "RW" who threw down the gauntlet via email (to me-which I fwd'ed to Gadi!) saying:
I’m a very loyal reader actually. I am confident I can give Gadi a run for his
money. :-)

The Background

I had the pleasure of discovering that a long-time acquaintance is a daily, avid reader of this blog. Heretofore, a silent observer, she reached out via email and we began a correspondence.

I think she has now gotten more than she bargained for :-)

The Rules
Not sure...a few possible criteria.
  1. Most high quality blog comments (as judged by other readers) over a set period of time (say 2 weeks)
  2. Until one of them says "mercy" and surrenders via a "Comment War of Attrition."

How to figure out who the real champ is?

Any other pretenders to the throne out there?

Gadi does have one thing in his favor....It rhymes with "Roc-ky!"

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