Friday, January 12, 2007

The 16 year old male mind...

At lunch the other day, the nephew of our host and hostess joined us.

Within the first 2 minutes of our conversation (I think it was in response to my question of "oh, where are your parents?") he said something along the lines of:

"My parents make a project out of everything. I just sit back and laugh at

Now that I'm on the other side of the parental divide, I was taken aback by such brazen disrespect.

After a few more minutes, my mind began to recalibrate...."THIS IS PRECISELY how a teenager is going to talk. It's part of the development process."

I adjusted my posture and took into better account precisely who my audience was. I am not sure exactly what I did, though I think the goal was to demonstrate that
  1. shock value did not shock me
  2. I could give as well as receive
  3. I could call his bluff

Once it was established, at least this is how I interpreted it, that we were, in his eyes at least, equals (interesting, isn't it?), we proceeded to have a number of very interesting conversations.

And, as Tamar noted, towards the end, he even displayed some respect towards me (though I deserve it less than his parents...but that's another story.)

Got to remember your audience...and at what stage of life they are.

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