Sunday, December 17, 2006

Where your information comes from...

Ran into a friend of ours who told me she reads this blog. Of course, I had to ask, "how often?" (see why)

She hesitated..and then said something along the lines of "being embarrassed," "having no life," and "spending too much time" on the Blog.

I can understand why some may feel that reading another person's blog is "voyeuristic" and not a "worthwhile use of time" (not her words, btw...)

I disagree...and here's why.

The mainstream media is slowly but surely being displaced by bloggers and other, less traditional sources of information.

Our friend isn't alone, but in fact part of a major migration away from top-down, command and control media system to a distributed, network-centric, more democratic system. The chart at right demonstrates this a bit and the full report "State of the Blogosphere, October, 2006".

Best part is how the data inflates my ego as an early adopter...given the number of blogs in existence prior to March, 2003 :-)
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