Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Pet Peeves

Where's the line between a "pet peeve" and a true irritant?

Had this conversation with a friend the other day and his position (I know he'll comment to clarify) is that everything that annoys you is a "pet peeve," it's just a matter of gradation.

I don't think so.

A pet peeve is something that you probably should be mature enough to deal with, but for whatever reason it gets under your skin and you have an emotional, irrational reaction.

Here are some of mine:
  1. People who stand on the left side of the escalator
  2. Punching in your telelphone number for customer service and then...what's the first question you are asked by the rep?
  3. People who are going to be late (for whatever reason) and don't call (or email). It's just disrespectful of your time
  4. Social pressure to tip when service is lousy or meets expectations
  5. People who drive all the way up the entrance merge lane during a traffic jam and squeeze in at the end (and conversely, passing all of the cars waiting to get on the highway and then butting in right before the on-ramp)

I'm sure there's more where this came from.

What are yours?

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