Monday, December 18, 2006

The Pay to Blog Phenomenon....cntd.

I've written before about my involvement with which offers cash to bloggers who are interested in promoting products. For background, see here, here, here and the newest episode of the reallity show

They have a new policy which requires disclosure that a blog post is for pay. I think this is a good idea. My thinking all along has been to only post on topics that are either relevant to things I blog about normally OR in which I have total confidence.

Watching this company unfold is exciting and what's cool is that besides the documentary, the company blog gives you insight into what they are thinking and doing, so you can almost be a part of the company. What's particularly exciting is how it's really a conversation with someone, not a one-way loudspeaker, but a company (and it's not unique to them) that is trying to elicit feedback.

Plus, the videos they post are pretty funny.

Added them to my RSS feed.

Note: post sponsored by
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