Sunday, December 24, 2006

It's a Wonderful (Circle of) Life...

Call me a sap, but no matter how many times I see It's a Wonderful Life (just completed on TV), I get teary-eyed.

Tonight's family dinner was a double birthday celebration for my brother Barak and for Calanit (again!). With the exception of my dad and youngest sister, all were present...and then some.

You felt the weight of time in the one room.

On one side, my aging grandfather, closing in on 87. Needing a blanket and having difficulty communicating the palpable concern that his time is coming to an end. On the opposite end of the spectrum, the vanguard. My two kids and their new cousin, Dalia (4 months), illustrating the circle of life.

Somewhere in between was my brother, Barak, and his girlfriend, Rebecca and my sister, Dina, and her "special" friend, Eli.

The movement of the process of life was evident in many stages and it was bittersweet to watch, of course.

As part of the celebration, Barak had invited a few of his friends to join the festive meal. Like visiting diplomats, one of the friends (aka the advance protocol officer) had outlined the family relationship in a tree format (with notation) for another. The recipient then transcribed it and emailed it to her boyfriend.

A primer on the family like a visiting dignitary would receive. It was a nice touch.
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