Saturday, December 23, 2006

Friends...the evolution....

People have told us that during your kids' formative years, you tend to be friendly with the parents of the children who are your kids' friends. There's some truth to that.

What's interesting is that over the past 2 years, I realize that now we (or at least I am( are also choosing our friends based not only on the adults, but whether I like the kids or not.

Let me explain.

We've had 3 situations. There was one kid ...
  1. who was just too rowdy and destructive that I didn't want him in my house
  2. where I felt like the parents did a lousy job of disciplining him, he was aggressive and bossy, and I was constantly on edge when he was around my kid
  3. who was just a brat, didn't share nicely, and whined incessantly

You know what? When I'm socializing, I don't need the extra level of hassle. I have no choice but to disqualify people whose children raise my anxiety level.

We had lunch today with Mandi and David Lowenstein and to watch their kids play with our kids (and the daughter of another friend) was such a welcome relief. Their daughter held Paco's hand going down the steps and all of their kids (including the 6 month old) played nicely with Tonka and Spencer (aka Paco).

Having the full family relaxing experience...that's what I'm talking about in social situations.

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