Saturday, December 09, 2006

Daring to be different...

We've all seen the "I'm away from the office" emails. They are normally bland.

Check out this one I got from Andy Sernovitz, CEO of the Word of Mouth Marketing Association (Andy does it again!). I'm even talking about his Out of Office message. Brilliant!!

I will be out of the office at WOMMA's Word of Mouth Marketing Summit and
Research Symposium until Thursday. I will have limited access to email.
1. Reporters and emergencies: Please call my cell at xxx-xxx-xxxx.
2. Wife and parents: You may also call my cell.
3. Charlie (my 3-year-old): No, you
cannot pee in the sink. Yes, a dinosaur could eat a monkey.
4. Telemarketers: Please take me off your list.
5. Spammers: Please call my stock broker.
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