Thursday, December 07, 2006

Cleantech: the Next Wave?

I tell people that back in '91 and '92 when I was playing around with the earliest versions of the Net and building my home page (bonus for anyone who remembers the URL), I knew one thing: it was going to be BIG.

What I didn't know was: how to commercialize and make money off of it.

What I see now when it comes to Clean Energy is a "perfect storm" of macro-events and some similar components.

  1. The Greenpeace and Neo-Con Hawk alliance based on environmental concerns and global energy security
  2. The reduction in costs (relatively) of many alternative energy technologies
  3. The improving technologies themselves
  4. Rising demand in India/China, etc.
  5. The gathering tide of Venture Capital dollars in this area

Then, what I see are a lot of alternative energy technologists who have great ideas, but limited ideas of how to market/sell their ideas. The industry is ripe for the influx of technology savvy business people.

Always keeping my ears open for new opportunities, I met with Gary Skulnik of Clean Currents who has a wealth of experience in the market as well as some legislative/lobbying wins under his belt. His company has a cool idea..check it out.

It was a great 1.5 hour conversation where we shared ideas on the future of Wind, Solar, Geo-thermal, hydrogen, fuel cells, but not nuclear (next time, Gary).

Here's one thing I will say about "the next big thing/wave" that I have learned in the software/Internet business. Things never happen as quickly as you think they will. So, the alternative energy/green wave may not hit for 2, 4, or 6 years...but I believe it has to hit.

I've written about energy before, here, here, here, here, here guessed it, here

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