Tuesday, December 19, 2006

A child's birthday party...

A life milestone was hit this morning.

Went to celebrate Calanit's birthday with her school class. And suddenly, I'm on the other side.

Big kudos to Tamar who put A LOT of effort into developing a very unique and exciting project for the kids to do.

Sure, we had cupcakes (with dreidels on top), but Tamar went the extra mile to really give the kids a great experience.

Plus, she tied the project into the Hannukah story, and each kid went home with a keepsake from the party which s/he created.

Tamar's mom (a very creative woman) did that for her kids growing up and the tradition continues.

Neat to see and be a part of and emotional to watch your child's birthday party with her cohorts for the first time.
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