Monday, November 13, 2006

When your team is terrible...

I was thinking about how bad the Redskins are this year. As a fan, it's painful.

But, I took a step back and thought about fans in places like San Diego or New Orleans, or Atlanta where (in the NFL at least), they've never won the Super Bowl.

My NFL team, baseball team (Orioles), college b-ball team (Terps) have all been to the proverbial mountain top.

Do I want them to get there again? Sure. But the hunger isn't as great. I kind of feel lucky (and it helps reduce the sting of bad years) because I know that there are some fans who, in their entire lives will never see their teams reach the pinnacle.

I feel content knowing that I'll die having felt the emotion and excitement of the ultimate success of "my teams." If it doesn't happen again, I'll be fine.

Just feel bad for those fans in Arizona. Ouch.

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