Thursday, November 09, 2006

An unusual gift...

Within five minutes of meeting her, I had convinced her to break up with her boyfriend of 1 year.

This is a unique skill I possess.

When I entered the Greater Washington Board of Trade Networking event tonight, my goal was simple. Meet five new people, learn about them, and leave. I had a one hour window before returning home to relieve Tamar.

It felt good to be "back out there"and networking. It's where I'm at home. :-)

Rebecca was #5 and after I mentioned my wife and kids, I asked her if she was married. After probing a bit, it became obvious that her boyfriend was not right for her.

Now, I have a track record of helping women caught up in relationships that are bad for them gain the courage to do what they know they have to do anyway.

Feeling a bit bad on the way home that I had turned this woman's night into a direction she hadn't anticipated, I called one of my previous "victims" to validate my work.

She thanked me and said, "if there are people in the situation I was in, they need to hear from you. I am glad you said what you said to me."

Granted, not the most useful skill (well, it depends on who you are, I suppose), but a unique one, nonetheless.

I don't care who you go out with, but I know that most people are afraid of being alone more than they are of being with the wrong person. As such, they delay the obvious and inevitable. All I do is make them see that pushing it off is actually far worse.
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