Saturday, November 11, 2006

Political Commentary...

Took a lot of heat both online and offline for some of my political comments after the election. Fair enough. Let me get in on the record that-for now-here are the issues about which I feel MOST strongly. These are #1 and #2 by a long, long distance.

  1. Foreign policy-primarily because I believe that Radical Islam poses an existential threat to Western Civilization and the US. The Right seems to "get" this a lot more than others. Strategy/execution can be debated, but they certainly see that this is a problem.
  2. Economic policy-I have FAR more confidence in the private sector to create wealth/jobs than in the public sector. I think people do a better job with their own money than the government. Free trade is better than protectionism. Subsidies are a bad thing. Walmart is good for the economy, so is China.

Once you see this, you'll see why I lean towards the GOP. On many social issues, I lean towards the Dems, but I just don't prioritize them as highly.

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