Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The morning after....

Turned on AirAmerica Radio this morning and heard some gloating. At first, I was annoyed, but then I realized...hey, they deserve it. They won fair and square (hopefully).

I'm looking for the lessons learned in this election.

  1. Don't take power for granted and don't blow an opportunity to do something positive on a big scale. I think the GOP missed this one. The Dems now have the problem of actually leading.
  2. Radical Islam scored big. The perceived carnage in Iraq, IMHO, is flamed by forces seeking to get the US out of Iraq. Much like the Madrid train bombing, their objective is to make us run. I am concerned that they have achieved their goal.
  3. Empathy: If this is how my left-leaning (or fully tilted) friends have felt during the GOP's power run, I am a bit more sympathetic to their emotions. I wouldn't say I'm in mourning, but definitely not optimistic in the short-term about the country's direction. (Key issues: war on Radical Islam, free trade, tax rates, fair immigration policy)
  4. Now that MD has a Dem governor and legislature, I will need to investigate opportunities in states where people like to earn money and keep it (Florida, Texas) state income tax.
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