Monday, November 27, 2006

Jewtopia Part 2

So part of the shtick of Jewtopia is reinforcing the stereotype of the Jewish mother. The book has a number of "conversations with a Jewish mother" that are pretty funny.

As part of it, the back cover has the home phone numbers of each of the author's mothers. The implication is that they're willing to talk to anyone.

On Sat. night, I was cleaning up and figured, what the I called one of the mothers...and left a message.

She called me back on Sunday, got my answering machine and said, "I'll try you again later."

She did. I spoke with her for a few minutes tonight and then, in a perfect moment, my own mother called on the other line. Of course, I had to take it.

But then, I told my mom the story and told her to call Arlene Wolfson in Jacksonville (the mother of one of the authors)...and she did!

Details to follow.

And, by the way, my mom hasn't even read the book, but that won't stop Arlene and my mom from having an hour-long conversation and playing Jewish geography, I am sure.
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