Thursday, November 16, 2006

High Point, Low Point...

Growing up, a Friday night custom for our family was to go around the table and have everyone share A high point and A low point of the week. It gave us a chance to be involved in each other's lives and to talk about something meaningful.

It didn't have to be THE high or THE low, just something...whatever you wanted.

Now that we are all out of the house, we tend to share these (most weeks) via email. For those of you who have been to Tamar/my house, you know we invite our guests to share their highs/lows as well. We've had some doozies and some lame ones :-)

I figured, why not...I'll post the highs/lows I send around on a weekly basis (if I remember).

Here's this week:


  1. resolving the caregiver issue
  2. still fitting into my wedding tux and planning to wear it on Sunday for the Goldstein/Heller wedding
  3. a great presentation at work
  4. learned some new technologies
  5. Not freaking out about flooding during the MASSIVE storm today, thanks to the
  6. house that Juan built.


  1. pink-eye
  2. not being able to find vigamox medicine when we need it
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