Sunday, November 26, 2006

Getting your word out...

The more I think about it, the more I like the idea of having companies pay posters to advertise on blogs.

Since I first blogged about, I've gone back a few times. What I love about it is that I can easily find offers that make sense for the types of posts I write, see how much they're willing to pay and then quickly and easily submit my post. Best of all, I choose only those topics that I feel are consistent with the types of posts I want to make. On top of that, simply the act of looking at all of the offers available forces me to see new products and services, so the marketplace itself is like an exploration of new things. Then, if I find something, I can pass the word along.

Think about the traditional world of marketing. Normally, a large company spends A TON of money trying to "get the word out." As a marketer, I know that it's very difficult to measure the ROI on these initiatives.

Now, with no major channels (we all watch different shows, read different websites, etc.), a smart company can much more cost-effectively leverage a distributed information/publishing model to get the word out AND track the effectiveness of the spend.

That's a huge paradigmatic shift. This is just the beginning of it, too.
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