Sunday, November 05, 2006

Football nostalgia...

Growing up, Sundays during the Fall meant one thing...Football. My brothers and I were rabid Redskins fan. We figuratively lived and died with the fortunes of our team. The highlight of those days was lying on the bed in my grandparents' apartment and just being in their presence.

Over the years, we grew up, our priorities changed,got jaded a bit perhaps and we realized that, unfortunately, football was not the be-all and end-all of our lives. We traveled to different cities and countries, missed games, or even skipped them. With time, the players were different and the stadium where we had spent so much time sits alone on Sundays, replaced by a modern 91,000 seat megaplex.

Today, however, we had a taste of the old times, but with a new generation. The bright, crisp day started off with promise. The home team was playing its hated rival, the Dallas Cowboys, and like old times, I found myself (this time with my own son in tow) back at my grandparents' apartment.

Though much has change over the years, we could still share the joy in the team's incredible victory-one of the most bizarre endings I've ever seen. Experiencing the multi-generational emotion of the game and of being together made me realize that it's not football that's important, it's what watching the game together can do that is important. The shared experience of a moment in time with people you love....that's the be-all, end-all.

And it doesn't hurt that our team won, too. :-)

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