Monday, November 06, 2006

The day you don't want to end...

Ever had a day that was just SO perfect that you didn't want it to end? You just wanted to hold onto that feeling (whatever it is) for as long as possible?

Yesterday with Paco, was one of those days. We played around in the morning, went for a run, made a "guy's trip" to Home Depot, watched the first part of the Redskins game at one friend's house, saw the 2nd half and the incredible ending with my grandparents, and then joined most of my family for dinner.

Hectic, but very meaningful.

After putting them to bed, I just sat on the couch, watching some TV, but my mind was elsewhere and I was savoring the feeling of "leaving it all out on the field."

I knew this was a "mental snapshot" day and I took it, savoring its last few scents and tastes as I had to move into work mode. I didn't want it to end...ever...even though I knew it had to.

Note: this is my 979th post on the blog! Why this is exciting is here
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