Thursday, November 02, 2006

Being the Fraier...

There's a great word in Hebrew, "fraier" [seems to be of Romanian origin] which basically means "a sucker," someone who gets taken.

The steps to our basement are not covered in carpet...and need to be. We've had a few injuries from the floor.

I saw an ad in one of those circulars and called a guy. He came by and offered me a remnant install, plus labor for $500.

If there's one thing I've learned from my medical trials, it's that people mark up...A LOT. :-)

He called me yesterday and asked if I wanted the work done. I said, "you know, I was thinking that 500 is a lot, what about 350?"

"OK!" he almost shouted.

Hmmm....if he's accepting that quickly, I guess I'm the fraier since he didn't even hesitate. I kind of feel right now that I don't want him to do the job.

(I know what the free marketeers will say...and they're right, of course, but I still want to get the best deal possible.)

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