Friday, November 03, 2006

4.22AM...and counting

With Tamar away at her dance camp since 3pm yesterday, the ship's been running pretty smoothly, thus far. Meals were prepped and clothes were laid out. 

With Paco sick, he's been waking up at 4am (as his Motrin wears off) and crying. All I needed to do was get up, give him some more, and get back in bed. Well, had to rock him back to sleep.

Of course, as I sat there in the rocking chair, my mind started racing...and you know how this will end, I've been up since. At least I got 30 minutes on the rowing machine at 5:15.

The reinforcements have been called in. My sister is here now and Calanit is having her first sleepover at her aunt's house tomorrow night. I told Tamar that our job as parents is to raise independent human beings. This is one step in the process.

So far, so good. We'll make it. Time for another cup of coffee.

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